How to refresh your home office space.

With the sudden move from working at the office to working at home, most of us didn’t have a chance to really think through the location or design of our home office. We found an empty space — or a not-so-empty space. Bought a cheap desk and chair. And voila. Our home office was complete.

After all, it was going to be temporary, so what was the big deal?

Well, here we are, more than two years later, and many of us are still working in that “temporary” office — either full-time or a few days a week.

So maybe it’s time to take another look at that space and see if you can make it more comfortable. More visually appealing. And even help you be more productive.

Let’s start with the one thing we stare at more than our computer screen. The walls.

Paint is the least expensive way to refresh an office. You can paint all four walls. Or just one.  Color affects your mood, so be careful with your selection.  Hate to paint? Try wallpapering one wall with an interesting pattern.

Now pick where you’re going to work.

You spend a lot of time at your desk, so make sure you have one that fits you, the way you work, and your space.

If you’re constantly searching through stacks of folders and papers, you’ll want a larger desk with plenty of room to spread out your documents on top or store them underneath.

Facility Planners Work from Home Furniture

If you’re worried about the health impact of sitting for 8 hours a day, or you just think better on your feet, trading in your standard desk for a standing desk could be your solution.  Height adjustable desks will give you the flexibility to alternate between sitting and standing with the push of a button.

Another thing to think about is where your workspace is located. If your office is its own separate room, then feel free to pick out whatever style desk you like. But if it’s in a part of the house that’s also being used for other things, like a guest bedroom, then you should pick a desk that blends in with the furniture that’s already there. A sleek industrial style desk and a Victorian daybed aren’t going to live well together, no matter how hard you try.

Once you pick out your desk, it’s time to decide where to put it. Natural sunlight is good for productivity. It’s also great for video calls. So, unless you have a nosey neighbor living across the street, placing your desk in front of a window should be your first choice.

If your space doesn’t have a window (or you do have a nosey neighbor) don’t rely on overhead fixtures to light up your work area. Instead, pick out a nice lamp that can fit on your desk. And make sure it has a lampshade to lessen glare. If you do a lot of video calls, you may even want to consider buying a ring light.

Poor lighting while working on a computer can cause eye strain. Which can cause headaches and cause you to be less productive.

Sitting in the wrong chair can be a pain.

Even if you spend part of your day standing, you should have a good office chair. After all, the last thing you want your clients or colleagues to see onscreen is you fidgeting around trying to get comfortable. So make sure your chair is ergonomically designed and provides good support. Some of the features you should look for: Height adjustable, 360-degree swivel base, adjustable backrest and armrest, adjustable seat depth, and built-in lumbar support.

Once you find your perfect chair, here are some tips to make sure you have your monitor in the perfect spot:

  • Your spine should always stay in a neutral position
  • The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level
  • Place the monitor at least 20 inches from your eyes, farther away if you’ve got a large monitor
  • Your eyes should look slightly down when looking at the middle of the screen to help keep your neck in proper alignment. Tilt the monitor back 10 to 20 degrees to ensure you’re looking down on the screen at an angle. 
  • If you wear bifocals, tip the screen back to between 30 and 45 degrees to ensure you’re not tilting your head back to focus

You may need to purchase a screen riser to get the right adjustment. Or a laptop stand if you’re using a laptop.

Facility Planners Nashville Coworking Space

All dressed up and no place for storage.

One thing that most people forget about when creating a home office is storage. Files, important papers, stationary, ink for your printer, and of course, your printer. Fortunately, today’s file and storage options are a lot more stylish and less intrusive. Some can even fit under a desk. It all depends on your needs. But you’ll definitely need some.

If your space is small, vertical storage like floating shelves, tall bookcases, even a hutch can give you extra storage without taking up valuable floor space.

And speaking of floorspace. Don’t forget to invest in some sort of electronic cord management system to keep the space underneath your desk from looking like a snake pit.

You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to make your home office look nice.

This could be your chance to finally put out the stuff your partner won’t let you put in the rest of the house. You could also place a nice photo of your family, pet, or your favorite vacation spot on your desk. Or hang a nice picture, an inspirational quote, or even a framed piece of artwork created by your kids above your desk. Just because it’s your office doesn’t mean it has to be all about work.

Plants are another easy way to decorate. They can also stimulate creativity. And some house plants even filter toxins from the air. These natural air purifiers include the spider plant, peace lily, and palms.

Now that we’ve given you some great ideas for redoing your home office, we can also help you actually furnish it. To see our selection of furniture exclusively for a home office, visit our “work from home” inspiration gallery.

Of course, even with all these home office updates, you might still feel that working from home isn’t working out for you. If so, try moving your office to our “neighborhood”. It’s called le Purlieu. That’s French for “the neighborhood.” And that’s exactly what it was designed to be. Located right in our showroom, it’s a neighborhood of private office spaces, conference areas, and workspaces for individuals, startups, freelancers, and even businesses in need of additional employee space. We offer a variety of options to fit any need or budget.


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